For the fourth quarter, we will follow the steps below for our class:


1)     Log in to the MeasureUp tool and complete one practice test per week(44 questions, 45 minutes – Sections I through V).

2)     Once you have received the score for your assessment, click on the “Email Report” button. Enter the email address, and send me the report.

3)     Examine your MeasureUp score report for specific sections/topics where you are scoring less than 80% and review those topics/sections from the MTA links (check list and lessons)  on our course website.

4)     You should also be working on your programming/gaming projects during the week:

a.      I have created an assignment, "Project Update "  on Google Classroom.

b.     You will post your weekly update of your gaming/programming project for this assignment by midnight of Friday on Google Classroom or send me an email.

c.      The update could be a list of new features you have built in your game or bugs you have fixed over the course of the week.

d.     Please include screen shots of your game/program code or a short video demo.




Due Dates for every week:


Midnight of Friday:

·        Email of your practice test score report from MeasureUp.

·        Email me updates and screen shots of your game/program code or submit the same on Google Classroom.