Why Choose Us?

1. The Center for Apprenticeship & Adult Training is Non-Profit

That means we are able to offer the lowest prices around to provide students with essential training they need to get into or back into the workforce. Any funds received from our community funnel straight back into New Horizons.

2. We Ensure Career-Readiness

The Center for Apprenticeship & Adult Training is partnered with over 100 different businesses in the Trades, Medical, Consumer, and Science industries to not only help maintain our curriculum, but also provide pathways for students to do internships, externships, or be hired! Many of our classes will invite guest speakers and hold hiring events in class. Not only that, but all of our instructors come directly from the industry with licenses, credentials, and networks to help you be confident and career ready.

3. Our Programs Give You Credentials

All programs at The Center for Apprenticeship & Adult Training offer a credential or a direct pathway to a credential that you can take with you anywhere and use for your resume and job search. Have a question about what credential a program offers? Talk to our staff! The staff at New Horizons is knowledgeable and friendly and can help get all of your questions answered.

4. We Are Affordable

Average Cost of Tuition for Certification/Degree Comparison:

  • New Horizons – $877
  • Community College – $2,026
  • Technical School/University – $7,848

TestimonialI began my career 10 years ago, successfully completed the four-year NCCER apprenticeship at New Horizons Regional Education Centers. After obtaining my Journeyman’s License, I rapidly began climbing the ladder into the Project Management side of the trade. Passing on education and training within the field, my passion turned on like a light bulb. Now, as a Master Electrician, I teach the apprenticeship for CFAAT at night and commit full time during the day to get my students workforce ready!

Amy England

Electrical Instructor, New Horizons Regional Education Centers

Our Partners & Certifications: