Islam Bedir

PhD. Theoretical Physics, Old Dominion University
MS. Theoretical Physics, Old Dominion University
BS. Theoretical Physics, Bosphorus University
Rimma Feygelson

MBA, Capella University, 2021
M.S., St. Petersburg Institute of Economics, 1992
Ms. Feygelson has experience teaching at both Virginia Peninsula Community College STEM, William & Mary SEP, as well as The Governors School.
Jiashi Hou

Ph.D. Mathematics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
M.S. Applied Mathematics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
B.S. Mathematics, Shanghai University of Science and Technology
Dr. Hou has taught college mathematics in the Tidewater area for more than two decades. These courses range from calculus, discrete mathematics, linear algebra, differential equations to statistics. Dr. Hou has also mentored and advised many college students’ research projects.
Elena Kuchina

PhD Physical and Mathematical Science, Power Engineering Institute
MS & PhD Physics, Old Dominion University
BS & MS/MEd Physics, Kazakh State University
Dr. Kuchina has conducted Theoretical Research at Theory Group @Jefferson Lab, Paul Scherrer Institute, Power Engineering Institute, Nuclear Power Institute, and Experimental Research at Hall A Jefferson Lab. She has taught at Old Dominion University, Christopher Newport Institute, Virginia Peninsula Community College, Medical Career Institute, and Centura College.
Michael Menke

Ph.D. Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles
B.S. Mathemeatics, University of California, Riverside
Dr. Menke has spent time teaching at UCLA, Rutgers, VCU and Math Academy.
Jessica Notestine

PhD in Applied Mathematics, North Carolina State University
MS in Mathematics, University of Connecticut
BS in Mathematics, Western New England University
Dr. Notestine has been teaching for 9 years. She has spent time teaching at the University of Connecticut, Walsingham Academy, North Carolina State University, and Durham Technical Community College.
Mary Patterson

Ph.D. Pathobiology, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
B.S. Genetics and Development, University of Illinois
Dr. Mary Chelberg Patterson graduated with distinction from the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, having earned her B.S. degree in Genetics and Development. Her Ph.D. in Pathobiology, with a minor in Genetics, was earned at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus. Her post-doctoral fellowship was at the University of Minnesota, in the Departments of Biochemistry and Orthopedic Surgery. Prior to dedicating her energies to teaching, she had published research in the journals Cancer Research, J. Cell Biology, Biochemistry, and J. Anatomy.
Dr. Patterson has been teaching Advanced Biological Analysis since 2014 at the Governor’s School. She previously spent three years as the instructor for Research Methodology and Ethics.
Kristin Spires

MEd -Secondary Education, University of Florida
Gifted Education Endorsement – Ball State University
B.A. – English, University of Florida
A veteran teacher, Mrs. Spires has taught at the secondary level since 1995. After receiving her endorsement in gifted education, she spent the thirteen years as the secondary gifted resource teacher for York County School Division. In her spare time, Mrs. Spires likes to try new recipes and be on or around the water.
Gaelan Venturi

M.S. Computer Science, Old Dominion University
B.S. Mathematics with a concentration in Applied Mathematics, Old Dominion University
B.S. Mathematics with a concentration in Statistics/Biostatistics, Old Dominion University
Laura Vobrak

EdS Educational Leadership and Administration, The George Washington University
M.S. Curriculum & Instruction, Old Dominion University
B.A. English, California State University, Chico
Ms. Vobrak began her teaching career as an English teacher in Korea. Her passion is teaching composition and research courses at both the high school and college level. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling and reading.
Dennis Weygand

Ph.D. High Energy Particle Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY
B.S. Physics and Mathematics, Hofstra University, Uniondale NY
Dr. Weygand spent 20 years at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in Upton, NY conducting experiments at the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchrotron and also at the CERN Intersecting Storage Ring collider (ISR) in Geneva, Switzerland. After leaving BNL he moved to Jefferson Laboratory in Newport News, VA where he performed experiments at the Cebaf Large Angle Spectrometer (CLAS). During his tenure at national labs he also held adjunct positions at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Florida State University, the University of Massachusetts, Vanderbilt University, and the University of South Carolina advising graduate students. He has taught physics as an adjunct professor at Thomas Nelson Community College, and has held teaching positions at Christopher Newport University and Old Dominion University.
Vikki Wismer

M.S. Elementary Education specializing in Montessori Studies: Loyola College
B.A. Public Affairs/Administrative Justice: American University
Advance Professional Certificate Administration/Supervision: Trinity College
Professional Background
- 2008- 2020 Director New Horizons Governor’s School for Science & Technology (GSST)
- 30 years of experience in the field of education with a diverse background in business
- Principal/Change Agent for two magnet secondary/elementary public schools in Maryland Professional Background (cont’d.)
- Governor’s Citation: Recognized for impressive dedication to instructional leadership in Maryland Public Schools (2 years)
- Smithsonian National Museum of American History’s Teacher Advisory Committee
- Collaborated with the History Channel to publish Save Our History – The Star-Spangled Banner Project: distributed to 80,000 elementary school teachers nationwide
- Currently, Ms. Wismer serves as Vice/Past President of the Virginia Consortium of Gifted Education Administrators, Student Recruitment
- Chair for ODU Computer Science Advisory Board, founding partner of the Hampton Roads Innovation Collaborative and member of National
- Consortium of Specialized STEM Schools (NCSSS)
Deidre Yee

M.A. in Mathematics from SUNY Brockport (NY, 2012)
Certificate in Gifted Education from James Madison University (2020)
Certificate in Educational Leadership and Administration from George Washington University (2021)
B.A. in Adolescent Mathematics Education from Keuka College (NY, 2007)
Mrs Yee has been teaching at the Governor’s School since 2013 and has previously taught PreCalculus, Applied Calculus, and Calculus.