
New Horizons Regional Education Centers Student Handbook

This Student Handbook is designed to provide you with essential information about New Horizons Regional Education Centers and to help you plan for a successful school year. What you gain from your New Horizons experience is determined by your efforts. It is hoped you will be an active member of the school, participate in school activities and contribute to programs and events that are part of the school. New Horizons welcomes you and urges you to demonstrate the spirit that makes our school outstanding.

This handbook provides information concerning school regulations and procedures, transportation, attendance, and conduct. These regulations and procedures have been established to provide all students with an equal opportunity to gain the maximum educational benefit from their program; therefore, each student is expected to be familiar with and to observe these regulations and procedures. It is essential that the contents of this handbook be shared with parents. It should be understood that this is not a limiting document; not all possible violations have been identified, and not all possible methods of resolution have been listed. As with all situations, charges will be identified, decisions on disposition shall be explained, and such actions may be appealed through procedural due process. Teachers have the initial authority to remove disruptive students from class.

Honor Code

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Student Conduct

Each student is required to accept responsibility for his or her own conduct.  When a violation of the rules of New Horizons Regional Education Centers or a violation of the law occurs, school officials are authorized and obligated to take appropriate action.  In certain cases, restitution may be required. All personnel are responsible for monitoring student conduct. All rules and regulations will be enforced on all New Horizons Regional Education Centers grounds and premises before, during, and after school hours, or at any time when school buildings and/or grounds are being used; or off school grounds at any school activity, function or event; or when students are traveling to or from school. The rules contained in this Student Code of Conduct also apply to bus and bus stop behavior.

Upon reasonable suspicion, any student or student’s property may be searched for stolen property, weapons or other illegal substances.  Random searches may be conducted on school property using metal detectors or dogs capable of detecting drugs, bombs and firearms.  Random dog searches will be conducted by specially trained law enforcement agencies under the supervision of school personnel. School officials may search all persons and items on school property including personal vehicles and lockers made available for student use.


      Level 1 – Conference

      Level 2 – Intervention

      Level 3 – Alternative to Suspension or In School Suspension

      Level 4 – Suspension (1-5 days)

      Level 5 – Suspension (6-10 days)

      Level 6 – Suspension (10 days with contract)

      Level 7 – Long Term Suspension (11-180 days)

      Level 8 – Removal from New Horizons


  1. Endangerment – A student will not be involved in or be responsible for creating a situation that will endanger the safety of self or place others in jeopardy or at risk.
  2. (Level 4 – 8)
  3. Serious or repeated violations – Serious or repeated violations of one or more rules require a need for strong parent-administrator communication, coordination, consideration of outside assistance, and possible suspension and/or expulsion.
  4. (Level 4 – 8)
  5. Sexual offenses – Offensive touching, sexual harassment, consensual sex, indecent exposure or rape (Criminal sexual offenses must be reported to the police department). (§§ 22.1. – 280.1)
    (Level 4 – 8)
    Robbery, theft, burglary or possession of stolen property (Must be reported to police department). (§221 – 280.1)
    (Level 4 – 8)
    Use or possession of a weapon, look alike or dangerous instrument or explosive device in school buildings, in automobiles, on school buses, on school grounds or during school–related activities (Must be reported to police department).
    (§§22.1 – 280.1, 1950 as amended) (§§18.2 -282, §§18.2-85)
    (Level 4 – 8)
    Vandalism, willful or malicious defacing of school property including graffiti, and willful or malicious defacing of private property causing or attempting to cause damage to school or personal property. Legislation states that each student “shall be required to reimburse the school board for any actual breakage or destruction of property… done by such pupil in pursuit of his studies”.  HB 1707 passed by the 2001 General Assembly authorized school boards to take action against a student for actual breakage, destruction or failure to return (§§ 8.01-43) and allows school boards to initiate action to recover from parents up to $2500 for damages for the willful or malicious destruction of school property by their child. (May be reported to the police department).
    (Level 4 – 8)
    False fire alarm, bomb threat (Must be reported to police department).
    (§§22.1 – 280.1, 1950 as amended) and (§§18.2 –83)
    (Level 4 – 8)
    Reckless use of vehicle
    (Level 2 – 8)
    Bullying of any form, hazing, threatening, intimidating, harassing, instigating, extorting, fighting (assault and battery): Any physical confrontation that may result in no injury, minor injury, or serious injury that includes, but may not be limited to, kicking, shoving, pushing, hitting, throwing objects and fighting (Must be reported to law enforcement) –   (§22.1-280 (A)   and   (B),  VA Code  1950 as  amended), §22.1.2801 and §22.1-212(1) as amended)(§18.2-38-1) If the threat is written, signed or unsigned, and contains a threat to kill or to do bodily injury to an individual or member of his/her family, it is a Class six (6) felony.  If the communication is oral and contains a threat to kill or do bodily harm to any school employee and occurs on a school bus, school property, or during a school-sponsored activity, it is a Class one (1) misdemeanor.
    (Level 3 – 8)
    Improper use of any cellular telephone or two-way communication device. Other electronic receiving/transmitting device, radio, tape, CD player, headphone, laser pointer, electronic game, etc. These items will be confiscated and will only be returned in accordance with the policy outlined on pp. 22 – 23.
    (Level 2 – 8)
    Possession of and or use of iPod, MP3 player, CD players, portable communication devices, electronic games, and laser pointers in violation of policy outlined on p. 22.
    (Level 1-3)
    Possession and/or use of drugs, paraphernalia, alcohol, electronic cigarettes, tobacco and other controlled substances on school property or at school-related activities (Must be reported to law enforcement. (§22.1-280.1 54.1))
    (Level 4 – 8)
    Unauthorized activities – Selling or purchasing unauthorized items, electronic tampering, sharing medication, possessing of inappropriate material (s) on school property.
    (Level 1 – 8)
    Misrepresentation – Cheating, forging of school documents, lying.
    (Level 2 – 8)
    Disruption- Class disturbance, any activities that interfere with the educational environment including refusing to participate in class activities. 
    (Level 1 – 8)
    Any violation of the law.
    (Level 1 – 8)
    Verbal assault, profanity, slander or obscene behavior. Also, engaging in behavior which is offensive to racial, ethnic or religious group(s).
    (Level 2 – 6)
    Insubordination or disrespect directed at any staff member.  Insubordination is defined as any failure to follow directions of instructors or any staff member.  Disrespectful actions include   discourteous or impolite speech or action to others, as well as not being considerate and thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others and not conducting oneself in a mannerly way.
    (Level 1 – 5)
    (Level 1 – 4)
    (Level 2 – 4)
    Inappropriate attire (see Student Grooming and Dress).
    (Level 1 – 4)
    Trespassing or loitering in the building (including near vending machines) or on the     grounds. Students are not to be in automobiles, student-parking areas, or in buildings other   than their class building from the time they report until they leave.
    (Level 1 – 4)
    Leaving school grounds or class without permission and/or without signing out.
    (Level 2 – 4)
    Violation of Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
    (Level 1 – 8)


The grading policy for The Governor’s School for Science and Technology is unique to the teacher and specific course.  The policy is included in the syllabus provided for each course. 

Student Attendance Policy

All students are expected to attend classes promptly every day and to remain for the entire class period. The following rules shall govern student attendance:

  1. Five (5) or more unexcused absences (failure to attend class) in any nine-week grading period will result in a grade of “F”.
  2. Twelve (12) or more unexcused absences within a semester will result in a grade of “F” for the
  3. Twenty four (24) or more unexcused absences within a year will result in a grade of “F” for the year
  4. It is the responsibility of the student to provide documentation for any and all This documentation generally does not include a parent note for absences which may be excused below. It is also the responsibility of the student to request and complete all make-up work within five (5) school days upon returning to school. Competencies and other work must still be accomplished.
  5. Three (3) unexcused tardies shall constitute one (1) unexcused absence. The administrator-in-charge may grant exceptions. Students who arrive on school transportation after the bell has rung shall not be marked tardy if they report to class immediately. Students who arrive at New Horizons by any means other than school transportation shall be marked tardy whenever they enter class after the bell has
  6. Three (3) early dismissals shall constitute one (1) unexcused
  7. To be dismissed early from class, students must have written parental permission. Early dismissals are always verified by telephoning parent(s) or guardian(s) regardless of the student’s Remember, students are never to leave school grounds without permission from the appropriate school administrator or his/her designee. New Horizons is a closed campus.
  1. Students may be excused for a home school activity that has been pre- approved by the
  2. A combination of unexcused tardies and early dismissals equaling three (3) shall constitute one unexcused
  3. Failure to attend class/session for at least one hour shall equal an absence unless approved documentation has been provided for the time
  4. Appealed absences: At the end of a quarterly marking period or a semester (within five (5) days of the end of the period during which the absences occurred), students who have incurred absences in excess of the four (4) or twelve (12) absences allowed may appeal in writing to the principal/director for a waiver of the attendance policy. Only absences in the categories listed below may be appealed. The decision of the principal/director is final, and only one waiver per school year per student will be

 Absences which may be excused and/or appealed:

  • Absence due to an illness. A physician’s note must be submitted within the same marking period certifying that the absence was at his/her recommendation.
  • Absence due to a court appearance. A copy of the subpoena or other court document must be
  • Absence due to death in family. Supportive documentation must be
  • Absence due to extenuating or exceptional circumstances may be excused by an administrator. The student must submit supportive documentation, and instructor input may be
  • Absence due to attending an approved activity at the student’s home school. Documentation must be provided, signed by a school
  • Suspension days from home school where exceptional circumstances