The New Horizons Regional Education Centers (NHREC) Board of Trustees will meet on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be held at the NHREC Woodside Lane CTE Campus, Building A, 13400 Woodside Lane, Newport News, Virginia.
The Board of Trustees meeting agenda includes a Center for Apprenticeship and Adult Training
Presentation, Year 2 In Review Report, 2022-2023 Crisis Plan Approval, First Read of the SY
2023-2024 CTE and GSST Program of Studies, SY 2022-2023 Grant Performance Report, and
update on the SY 2022-2023 CTE Recruiting Efforts.

CLICK HERE to view the complete agenda.

Public comment is welcome. Individuals may submit comments to be presented to the board or
appear in person. In-person or virtual speakers are encouraged to prepare their remarks to fit
within a 3-minute limit. Speakers are welcome to provide copies of their written statements that
can be distributed to the board members. For submitted comments, please notify Casey
Roberts, Executive Director, via email at or call (757) 766-0000 by
noon on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, for inclusion in the official meeting record.

CLICK HERE to view Procedure for Citizens Addressing the Board of Trustees.