Photo (Left to Right): James Kelly (WJCC Trustee), Michelle Sheller (Poquoson Trustee), Dr. Reginald Woodhouse (Hampton Trustee), Elisa Nelson (Gloucester Trustee), Heather Cordasco (NHEF Board President), and Sean Myatt (York County Trustee).
The New Horizons Education Foundation (NHEF) raises funds via corporate donations, private donations, and the annual charity golf classic to provide:
Academic Scholarships to Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Governor’s School for Science and Technology (GSST) students;
Honorariums for the transition from school to work for Career and Technical Education (CTE) and;
Incentive Funds for positive behavioral supports as part of the Regional Special Education program
The NHEF raised over $58,250 to be dispersed for 2019-2020.
Corporate Donations
NHEF solicits and receives donations and grant funds from corporate sponsors such as:
Arconic Foundation Grant ($42,000) 2016-2018 to implement Project Based Learning into the Academy for Advanced Technical Careers (Automotive, Construction, Manufacturing) curricula.
Continental Foundation Grant ($1,500) 2017 grant to the GSST STEM engineering initiative
Old Point National Bank $2,000 academic scholarship for a GSST student with outstanding achievement.
TMG Honorariums of $1,000 to welding students transitioning from technical training to work.
Ball Metal Honorariums of $3,000 for students transitioning from technical training into manufacturing careers.
Pomoco, Cannon, and W.M. Jordon will serve as corporate sponsors of the 2017 Annual Charity Golf Classic along with many other corporate sponsors (see below)
Newport News Shipbuilding Foundation ($50,000) 2019 Grant to fund the Good Life Solution Transition to Employment Program through the Advanced Technical Careers Academy.
Private and Community Sponsors
NHEF solicits and receives donations from private citizens as well as civic organizations such as:
Tess and Marshall Matteson academic scholarship and honorarium donations now exceeding $15,000 focus on CTE students pursuing careers in the health and environmental sciences.
Exchange Club Wythe, Hampton, $2,000 academic scholarship to an NHREC CTE student from Hampton School Division.
Oyster Point Rotary provides a $1,000 academic scholarship to an NHREC CTE student from Newport News
Gloucester Point Rotary provides a $1,000 academic scholarship to an NHREC CTE student from Gloucester
York County Schools Education Foundation provides an academic scholarship in the name of Page R Minter.
Poquoson City School Board provides two $500 honorariums for NHREC Poquoson CTE students transitioning to employment.
Donald R. Norton Endowment – NHEC Foundation endowment that provides a $1,500 academic scholarship to a CTE student.
Principal’s Award is a $1,000 academic scholarship provided by a former principal for a Butler Farm CTE student.
York Poquoson Master Gardner is a $1,000 academic scholarship to a CTE carpentry student provided in appreciation for the service provided to the community organization by the carpentry program
How to Apply/Criteria
Scholarship Description:
The New Horizons Educational Foundation Scholarship Program was established in the spring of 1992. Scholarships are awarded annually to students enrolled in the Career and Technical Education Center (CTEC) and the Governor’s School for Science and Technology. The Special Education program receives incentive awards. Each year the Board of Directors establishes the funding and number of scholarships based upon the proceeds from the Annual Golf Challenge event sponsored by the Foundation each fall.
The selection criteria is approved by the Board of Directors and administered by the Executive Director of New Horizons Regional Education Center. The following criteria are used to award the annual scholarships:
- Career and Technical Education Center students are selected on a combined basis of merit and need. The recipients shall be graduating seniors planning to pursue a post-secondary education program at a community college, technical school or college or university.
- Governor’s School for Science and Technology students are selected based upon how they have distinguished themselves in the Governor’s School academic program, as well as, in the mentorship experience. Furthermore, the applicant will have demonstrated leadership skills and service to the Governor’s School. The recipient shall be a graduating senior planning to pursue a college degree in science, mathematics, or technology.
All recipients must be willing to return to the Foundation Board of Directors and report on their progress after the first year of post-secondary education if requested by the Board.
If for any reason a scholarship recipient cannot or does not accept the awarded scholarship, the runner-up applicant may be eligible for the scholarship award. The scholarships shall be awarded by the Foundation Board of Directors, upon the recommendation of the New Horizons CTEC Scholarship Committee, and the Faculty of the Governor’s School for Science and Technology, respectively. The Chair of the Foundation Scholarship Sub-Committee will also be a member of the Scholarship Selection Committee.
The applicants for this scholarship program shall abide by all the conditions as stated in the following document and ratified by the Foundation Board of Directors of the New Horizons Educational Foundation, Inc. The scholarship program shall be known hereafter as the New Horizons Educational Foundation Scholarships or simply the Foundation Scholarship.

Scholarship Conditions:
- Student applicants must fill out the entire scholarship application. Two references should be forwarded from a counselor, teacher, or employer/mentor.
- Applicants are required to complete a one-page personal essay on their future goals and objectives and attach a current official school transcript.
- The Scholarship Committee, which will include the Scholarship Sub-Committee Chair of the New Horizons Educational Foundation, will select the Career and Technical scholarship winners.
- The recipients of the Career and Technical scholarship must be a graduating senior and program completer at New Horizons Regional Education Center planning to continue his/her career in technical education or a related professional area.
- A Career and Technical recipient will be chosen from students at both campuses. Recipients are selected from either campus-based upon meeting the scholarship criteria.
- The recipients of the Governor’s School scholarship must be a graduating senior planning to pursue a college degree in science, mathematics, or technology.
- The Governor’s School recipients will have distinguished themselves in their academic program, as well as in the mentorship experience. Furthermore, the recipients will have demonstrated leadership skills and service to the Governor’s School.
Upon enrollment at the secondary school of choice, the recipients may choose to receive the scholarship award as designated by the Foundation during the first semester or receive half of the scholarship upon fall enrollment, and the remaining half to be awarded upon successful completion of the first semester and enrollment in the spring semester.
The students must provide the Foundation with documentation of an overall “C” average in course work for the first semester. Failure to do so will eliminate the continuance of the scholarship for the following semester.
Students are required to submit the NHREC Scholarship Application to the main office of the campus they are attending by 4:00 p.m. on the second Friday of April, for consideration.
Honorarium Description:
The Honorarium provides funds to graduates who are entering the workforce to defray the costs associated with full-time employment– like equipment, uniforms, reliable transportation and even fuel for their transportation. The criteria for selection reflect success traits in the workplace such as productivity, attendance, accomplishment, leadership, and being a team player as defined by their instructor, just as their performance on the job will be evaluated by their immediate supervisor.
- Student demonstrates a commitment to working in their field of study at New Horizons
- Exemplary attendance
- Exemplary performance
- Demonstrates exemplary workplace readiness skills
- Preferably obtained a license or industry credential in their field of study
Program Instructor recommends student(s) based on the above criteria.