NHREC May Board of Trustees Meeting

HAMPTON, VA — May 28, 2024 — The New Horizons Regional Education Centers (NHREC) Board of Trustees will conduct its monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. The meeting will be held at the Woodside Lane CTE Campus, Building A (13400 Woodside Lane, Newport News, Virginia 23608).

The Board of Trustees meeting agenda includes the annual Career and Technical Education Presentation, the final approval of the FY 2025 Executive Director’s Proposed Budget, FY 2025 Board Designated Fund Balance, the SY 2024-2025 Regional Calendar Approval, and updates on recruitment efforts for SY 2024-2025. 

CLICK HERE to view the complete agenda.  

Public comment is welcome. Individuals may submit comments to be presented to the board or appear in person. In-person speakers are encouraged to prepare their remarks to fit within a 3-minute limit. Speakers are welcome to provide copies of their written statements that can be distributed to the board members. 

For submitted comments, please notify Ernestine Jones, Board Clerk, via email at ernestine.jones@nhrec.org or call (757) 766-0000 by 12:00 PM on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 for inclusion in the official meeting record. 

CLICK HERE to view the Procedure for Citizens Addressing the Board of Trustees.

CLICK HERE to view the Procedure for Citizens Addressing the Board of Trustees.