Student Handbook
This Student Handbook is designed to provide you with essential information about New Horizons Regional Education Center and to help you plan for a successful school year. What you gain from your New Horizons experience is determined by your efforts. It is hoped you will be an active member of the school, participate in school activities and contribute to programs and events that are part of the school. New Horizons welcomes you and urges you to demonstrate the spirit that makes our school outstanding.
This handbook provides information concerning school regulations and procedures, transportation, attendance, and conduct. These regulations and procedures have been established to provide all students with an equal opportunity to gain the maximum educational benefit from their program; therefore, each student is expected to be familiar with and to observe these regulations and procedures. It is essential that the contents of this handbook be shared with parents. It should be understood that this is not a limiting document; not all possible violations have been identified, and not all possible methods of resolution have been listed. As with all situations, charges will be identified, decisions on disposition shall be explained, and such actions may be appealed through procedural due process. Teachers have the initial authority to remove disruptive students from class.
Grading Policy
Three factors contribute to the calculation of the student’s grade:
- Employability Skills = 30-40%
Work related behaviors that are graded on a daily basis - Related Instruction = % determined by the program
Refers to all work except tests on competencies and includes practices of competencies, theory, book work, quizzes, exercises, worksheets, and special projects - Competencies = % determined by the program
Actual performance skill tasks the students must perform throughout the year
Grading Scale
90-100 = A
80-89 =Â B
70-79 = C
60-69 = D
59 & under = F
Student Conduct
Each student is required to accept responsibility for his or her own conduct. When a violation of the rules of New Horizons Regional Education Centers or a violation of the law occurs, school officials are authorized and obligated to take appropriate action. In certain cases, restitution may be required. All personnel are responsible for monitoring student conduct. All rules and regulations will be enforced on all New Horizons Regional Education Centers grounds and premises before, during, and after school hours, or at any time when school buildings and/or grounds are being used; or off school grounds at any school activity, function or event; or when students are traveling to or from school. The rules contained in this Student Code of Conduct also apply to bus and bus stop behavior.
Upon reasonable suspicion, any student or student’s property may be searched for stolen property, weapons or other illegal substances. Random searches may be conducted on school property using metal detectors or dogs capable of detecting drugs, bombs and firearms. Random dog searches will be conducted by specially trained law enforcement agencies under the supervision of school personnel. School officials may search all persons and items on school property including personal vehicles and lockers made available for student use. Students are expected to review the Student Conduct Policy for guidelines.
All students are expected to attend classes promptly every day and to remain for the entire class period. Students are expected to review the Attendance Policy for guidelines.